If you bought a Flirteezy Gold or Diamond membership, you agreed to a recurring payment via Credit Card or PayPal.

Canceling your subscription is really easy and done within a few clicks. Just follow these simple steps...

1. Cancel recurring subscription paid via PayPal

  • Log in to your PayPal account.
  • Click Profile (the gear icon) on the top right corner of the page.
  • Click Pre-approved payments under "Payment settings".
  • Select AMS Media Limited - Flirteezy, and click "Cancel".
  • Follow the instructions to cancel the agreement.
  • If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can contact us directly to cancel the agreement.

2. Cancel recurring subscription paid via Credit Card (Stripe)

  • Contact the Flirteezy Support Team and provide us your username and email address, we will cancel your subscription immediately and it will end with your expiration date. Please choose the topic "Paid Membership" in the contact form to get the VIP customer support.

3. Cancel recurring subscription paid via mobile app

3.1 Android

Coming soon!

3.2 Apple

Coming soon!