The community safety is our main concern. Therefore we are providing an investigation and moderator team to detect illegal/offending activities and crimes.

Report in the app

  • You can Flag and Block users on Flirteezy. If you Flag other users, you can choose three different reasons: Spam, Offence, Illegal. Choose the right one, our moderators will have a closer look into it.

Report via email

Safety is a top priority and we encourage you to immediately report any behavior that violates our policies or Community Guidelines. To send a report via email, please get in touch here on our Flirteezy Helpdesk and include the following info:

  • The reason for the report
  • The exact name, age, bio, and photos that appear on the profile that you are reporting (screenshots are best)
  • The user's location, phone number or email address (if known)
  • Further evidence for the illegal or offensive incident

The more details you can provide, the quicker we'll be able to identify and investigate the user in question.